MCDPH fit my passion for public health work and specifically WIC, which I knew I wanted to make my long term career while also giving me a glance into other realms of RD career options available out there in the job market. I'm still with WIC and I guess it instilled in me my desire to make this path my long term career choice. I really enjoyed the ability to see new things and gain new experiences through the internship as each rotation was unique. I specifically enjoyed working at the St. Vincent DePaul Diabetes Clinic, eating disorder rotations like Rosewood, and the ability to network that all of these rotations presented to me. I'd say my weakest area was in clinical but I did not realize that until I was going through that portion. It made me realize I do not want to work in the hospital setting even though I was curious about doing so previously. I also believe it helped deepen my love and passion for public health. MCDPH is certainly a strong choice in internships. I feel this is because I learned tons from our directors of the program as well as my preceptors. It was a valuable experience that I would never replace. To future applicants and interns- don't give up, make yourself stand out as a top choice.
Kathryn Baldwin, RD, IBCLC, CPT
WIC Home RD Lead